Are You a Good Candidate for IPL Treatment? Take Our Quiz!

Smiling woman with a headband in the sun (model)

Many people believe intense pulsed light (IPL) skin treatments are just another type of laser and work similarly, but that’s not the case. IPL, like lasers, use light energy to treat the skin. Unlike lasers, which deliver a single, focused wavelength, IPL uses multiple, diffused wavelengths to tackle complexion concerns. The IPL treatment we offer in Omaha at Preventative Medical Clinic is a next-generation technology called Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT).

Another factor that separates IPL treatments from laser skin rejuvenation is that the series of gentle pulses delivered by the IPL device doesn’t damage the skin. Instead, it penetrates to layers below the skin’s surface and is absorbed by blood vessels or pigmentation. This triggers the body’s natural healing process from below the skin.

For the right candidates, both IPL and laser skin treatments can produce excellent results. Patients considering a laser skin treatment at our Omaha practice have a menu of options, depending on their specific concerns. How do you know if you’d be better suited for an IPL treatment? That’s something you can discuss during a consultation, which you can request using the online form.

You can get an unofficial assessment of whether you’d be a good candidate for an IPL treatment, though, by taking our brief quiz.

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